Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This is seriously exciting! I've just had my masks accepted by the Naughty Gras Art Show.

I are an arteeeeest! :D

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Needle creation that has *nothing* to do with the Middle Ages

I've finally decided to try treating my needlework as an art, rather than a personal form of therapy. To that end, I've taken the plunge, and submitted two pieces to the "Naughty Gras Art Show" at the Koken Art Gallery. Will I get accepted? Who knows. The pictures I took are less than perfect, and I've never done this I'd be pretty shocked if I *DO* get accepted. But, if I'll be nice.

Whatever the outcome, here are the pictures of the two pieces. The masks are hand-made leather. I did the feathering myself...and painted the handles. The "ladies" are silk embroidery over linen (with beading on the purple one).