So...what to report.....
Chieftans. Very high on the prioriy list. Several of the recipes have been taste-tested. Unless my testers are being overly-polite, I seem to be getting a lot of positive reactions. It's also helpful, because doing a test batch gives me a SOLID call on how much food, exactly, I need for each dish. Good in both making the right portions, AND keeping the cost down.
As for "out there in the real world..." That's a bit more complicated.
Every time I walk into my office at St. Matt's, a feeling of the "rightness" of it descends upon me. It doesn't seem to matter what is happening in the rest of my life, being there, at that church, is peaceful, calming. I belong there. The question is, is it St. Matt's....? Or is it the *capacity* of St. Matt's, that brings about the feeling of peace and correctness? Is it THAT church, or THE church, that makes me feel as though I am at home? So, at the risk of being called "cheesy"...this is a call to prayer, for me. A demand from myself, to myself, to discern if there is a "higher call" in my life.
....frankly.....if there is, would have been nicer for it to have happened a LITTLE earlier in my life. Am I not just a LITTLE "mature" to be starting something like this?