Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just because I make it LOOK easy....doesn't mean it IS easy

This has been the morning for "Well...if you had just kept letting ME do it, you wouldn't have this problem, would you?"

How ego-centric that sounds, I'm well aware. It's not. It's a reflection of HARD WORK. Of long hours. Of all-nighters. Of getting up and getting back to work when everyone else is still asleep. Of hard-won knowledge of how to get and keep things organized and running smoothly. Anyone who does what I do, knows that part of the "glamour" is making it look as though nothing had to be done. They also know what complete BS that appearance is.

My daughter (bless her heart) could tell you...she has spent more than a few nights, working on some major something-or-other with me, until I looked at her and said, "Oh, honey...go to bed! You look dead on your feet." She could also tell you that she went to bed, I kept going.

And, just in case you're thinking I have to drag my ego around in a wheel barrow, let me reassure you. There are MANY things I am NOT good at. Most math, beyond basic bookkeeping is a foreign language to me. I have IT friends. They start "speaking geek" and my eyes glaze over. The list goes on.

But the things I AM good at? I am VERY good at. And, if you want my skill, you have to have ME. (or one of my similarly-gifted compatriots). Just because it LOOKS easy when *I* do it, doesn't mean it will be easy for you.

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