Saturday, January 26, 2013

Broken glass and legos

Not a very promising title, I agree.  But, that's the way things have seemed, for the last year.  I feel as though my world is an exercise in walking on broken glass and legos....which would be a lot easier, if I had shoes.

I can't even BRING myself to talk about "job stuff."  I'm still at St. Matt's, I'm still filled with a sense of peace and "rightness" whenever I walk into that building.  But that haven, that refuge, is going away, likely some time this year.  I will be completely stunned if Grace does NOT, indeed, decide to let St. Matthews merge with them.  And, once that happens, my guaranteed 20 hours of peacefulness will be as locked away as the building on Bennett Avenue.  Then what?

The family?  Well...for the past year, I have never, in my life, felt so superfluous.  So unnecessary.  Since the "kids" have all become friends (and praise GOD that they got past the years of hating each other!), the guys talk to Katie.  Questions that I once answered, advice that I once gave, inside jokes that I once shared, are no longer my place.  There's a part of me that feels as though that should be a good thing.  That they're growing...moving on...but I didn't realize they were  going to put my in storage quite THIS early in my life.

John??  No.  This one is depressing enough.

I'd love to end this on a more positive note, but I really can't think of anything positive to end with!

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